Aura Oracle Healing Cards

Aura Oracle Healing Cards


Hochkeppel is a born Intuitive, diploma Naturopath/Kinesiologist and Energy-Healer with over 25 years of experience; an Artist and Author.

Her unique blend of medical knowledge with the gift to see and connect with the energy of the aura/body enables Britta to find the very root cause of long-standing problems.

Britta describes herself as a channel, both as a healer and artist.The channelled Aura-Healing cards offer valuable insight into our “true colours” and support us on our life’s journey, by learning to improve the relationship with ourselves and learn which steps we need to take to raise our internal vibration.

Everything is made up of energy and so are we.

Our body is the vessel, which holds our energy imprint. It is an amazing network of vibrating energy, created by our thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

Every thought has a signature vibration, which emanates beyond the physical body as a frequency, expressed with colour.

It is these colours which become visible to those who are with sight,(ability to see energy).

The Aura is made up of several layers and it is the emotional-mental layer around the physical body which is visible to Britta.

The Chakras

Within each of these subtle bodies are eight main centres of energy which are closely aligned in anatomical terms, from the head, the Crown-Chakra down the spinal cord, the Root Chakra.

The energy within the Chakras moves in a spiral fashion, spinning and emanating their signature colours, depending on the quality of our thoughts, emotions,and physical vitality.

When everything can flow freely all the Chakras function in perfect coherence with our mind and body.The size, vibrancy and depth of their colours give insight to the level of our consciousness and mental-emotional balance.

The Auric field offers valuable insight into our hidden potentials, suppressed emotions and aspects we need to pay attention to.

We can discover which aspects and lessons are about to enter our reality and which elements we need to release.

We can learn so much about ourselves and my Aura-reading cards will help you discover new aspects about yourself and support you to attract a positive future into your life.

A Few Words from our Clients

Britta has helped me, friends and family over many years with her extraordinary ability to understand the core body/mind/spiritual need and provide healing. My ten year old son, Sebastian, has been suffering with anxiety symptoms relating to a number of deeply traumatic experiences. Since speaking out about these sad events Seb has been waking up complaining of sickness, reflux, headaches, blurry vision, nightmares and has been very low in mood. When the trauma memory is intensified through a trigger the fear engulfs him and he has collapsed and had regular days off school due to exhaustion. I am trying to support him in several ways and booked Britta in for a video session, hoping her abilities might help. It was hard for me to explain to Seb what the session might entail, so I told him to relax and be open.

Britta had a chat with Seb about the physical and emotional implications of the things he had experienced; he trusted her straight away. Britta used her Trauma-Erase-Colour-Technique, allowing Seb to identify the trauma in his body with colour, associate it to a memory then breathe out and cleanse that memory. He replaced it with a manifestation of his favourite superhero, a strong, positive male character who stood by his side in that memory moment. The simplicity of the process was extraordinary and the efficacy is unveiling itself on a daily basis. Britta was very warm and welcoming to Seb, she used easy to understand language and my son picked things up immediately, relaxing into the exercise and deeply connecting to the technique. He was extremely tired for about 48 hours afterwards, on the second day needed rest in bed as his body was ‘shedding’. Several days later he has remarkably not mentioned stomach or head pains, is sleeping through the night and describes himself as ‘lighter’. He is more playful and child-like then I have seen in years. During the session I could feel the change as restlessness in his physical body seemed to ease. I could literally feel his body letting go and his mind finding ‘peace’ – the word he used afterwards. His face at the end was calm and rested. I felt confident that Britta would be able to offer some healing for Seb, but the effect has been beautiful and joyous to watch. The pain associated to those worst memories have lost their power and the image he is left with is of his strength and resilience as that person who hurt him cannot hurt him anymore. I thank Britta from the bottom of my heart.


I have been struggling with anxiety and depression for over 30 years.I tried various pharmaceutical drugs and herbal supplements in an attempt to help reduce my anxiety. Nothing seemed to help me and my symptoms got worse and worse until someone recommended Britta to me. I received Sound healing and after the initial session, I felt different immediately. My senses are enhanced, my mind feels calm and I am happy. For me, an absolute game changer and a “must “ for everyone out there who suffers from depression or anxiety.

Simon Q 
Simon Q

I had been suffering from vertigo since 2003 when I was struck over the head with a baseball bat. Around October, a friend, who is a GP, gave me Britta’s telephone number with the comment that conventional medicine does not always have all the answers.” I was advised to go with an open mind. After two visits my vertigo had very much improved and after two further sessions, it disappeared.


I have suffered with bad hay fever for most of my life.Then Britta recommended a natural remedy pills and my hay fever symptoms have reduced to a fraction of what they were.What a relief!Thank you so much, Britta.


I have seen Britta for an ongoing hip and shoulder problem and some anxiety issues and I can honestly say that she has changed my life. Her knowledge of the body is incredible and her healing abilities are amazing. She is a lovely person who loves her profession and I would definitely recommend seeing her.


Get in touch with Vita Serena...

If you would like to know more about the services and products I offer, have any questions or would just like to drop me a message then please get in touch and I will respond as soon as possible.

You can call me on 07900211088

Alternatively, you can email me at