
Kinesiology Therapy…

Kinesiology is a holistic therapy which uses muscle response testing to measure the motor response of the central nervous system to a sensory challenge.
By doing this, imbalances can be determined and methods to rebalance the body can be indicated.

This gentle but very effective therapy combines Western techniques and Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. It identifies the elements that inhibit the body’s natural healing processes. It assists with stimulating a person’s natural internal energies and accessing the life enhancing potential within the individual.

As a trained therapist in Progressive Kinesiology, I can help you reduce stress levels and restore balance on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. This amazing healing technique is perfect for:


Resolving physical pain


Detection of sensitivities to foods (allergy testing)


Detection of sensitivities to chemicals


Detection of sensitivity to products


Balancing Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Balancing Weight imbalances


Calming the mind


Resolving physical dissonance


Resolving emotional dissonance

To understand if Kinesiology is right for you arrange a private consultation now

History of Kinesiology

In the 1920s an orthopaedic surgeon,R.W.Lovett, developed a system for testing and grading the strength of muscles. His work was taken forward by Henry and Florence Kendall in 1949 and they produced a book entitled “Muscle Testing and Function “. Kinesiology, as we use it today, was developed by George Goodheart, in 1964.

He was an American chiropractor who realised that by using a specific technique of massaging the beginning and ending or a patient’s muscle, he could increase the strength of the muscle.

He called this the origin and insertion correction and named his new therapy Applied Kinesiology because he was applying information gathered by studying the muscle response (Kinesiology means study of movement).

George Goodheart became famous for being able to solve health problems that no one else could and he taught these techniques to Chiropractors, Medical doctors, Osteopath’s and Dentist’s. He went on to found the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK).

How does Kinesiology work?

Perceiving the body as a multidimensional, wholistic creation, we can distinguish between three categories.

  • The Mental/Emotional (Psychological)
  • The Structural (Anatomical)
  • The Biochemical (Physiological)

For instance:

The person is under excessive ongoing emotional stress which negatively influences biochemistry, chiefly by the way of the nervous system and endocrine systems which in turn further unbalances the psychological state and impacts negatively on the structure, leading to tension of the skeletal muscles and smooth muscles of the vital organs.

More and more people are “ normal” in that they have no medically diagnosed disease, yet they suffer with symptoms. If theses symptoms maintain untreated the symptoms can manifest into serious health conditions.

The muscle monitoring technique uses the placement of fingers on specific acupressure points, such as neuro – lymphatic points or trigger points, by introducing stress to the chosen areas. The therapist will use a variety of stimulation during the testing, such as: Giving the person test “affirmations” or asking them to express the word of the emotion currently experienced.

The combination of the emotion expressed by the person whilst the therapist stresses certain Acupressure points will demand a response of the body.
If the natural flow of energy is stagnated or insufficient the person will present a weak muscle response.

If the natural flow of energy maintains intact the person will present a strong muscle test. Working as Progressive Kinesiologist, I can detect any trauma or dissonance on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level, no matter if it dates back to childhood or further. This therapy blends the Western approach combined with Eastern philosophy, which is perfect if you are experiencing symptoms that you have not been able to resolve.

The experience of trauma during our childhood often sows the seed of imbalance for the future, which requires healing when it begins to surface. Emotions and feelings of the past can remain hidden until the mid-thirties which is when most of the symptoms will surface.

What are the Benefits of Energy Healing?


General stress


Emotional trauma


Physical pain


Food sensitivities


Sensitivities to chemicals


Sensitivities to products


GeneTesting supplements ral stress


Emotional trauma


Physical pain


Food sensitivities


Sensitivities to chemicals


Sensitivities to products

What is the Benefit of Kinesiology?

Kinesiology offers a wide range of benefits for the client, no matter if the dissonance
is acute or long-standing, as a result of childhood trauma. This therapy offers the ability to detect the root cause of the problem very quickly which in turn enables me to design your individual healing program or package.

Case Study Example

Gary, aged 50, suffered with reoccurring inflammation in his knee on the right side of his body. Stiffness and constant pain was making it very difficult for him on a daily basis and he was increasingly struggling to reduce the pain using painkillers.

Every cell in our body owns cellular memory in regards to when or what caused the problem in that part of the body. In this particular case, emotional dissonance was the reason for the ever expanding inflammation in his knee.

Using Progressive Kinesiology, I was able to detect the core beliefs, Gary had manifested in his mind-body system.

Gary was brought up by a father figure who believed in an old fashioned approach, which did not allow emotions to be expressed. Gary had developed anger and resentment towards his father and kept his emotions suppressed for many years.

With the ability to detect the emotion using the testing technique,I was able to quickly determine what would offer the best support for him.

This included: emotional release, emotional support using remedies, calming the body, including acupressure and tissue massage, as well as giving nutritional advice to support the body’s self-healing abilities. After only 2 sessions, Gary’s knee was almost completely pain-free.

A Few Words from our Clients

Britta has helped me, friends and family over many years with her extraordinary ability to understand the core body/mind/spiritual need and provide healing. My ten year old son, Sebastian, has been suffering with anxiety symptoms relating to a number of deeply traumatic experiences. Since speaking out about these sad events Seb has been waking up complaining of sickness, reflux, headaches, blurry vision, nightmares and has been very low in mood. When the trauma memory is intensified through a trigger the fear engulfs him and he has collapsed and had regular days off school due to exhaustion. I am trying to support him in several ways and booked Britta in for a video session, hoping her abilities might help. It was hard for me to explain to Seb what the session might entail, so I told him to relax and be open.

Britta had a chat with Seb about the physical and emotional implications of the things he had experienced; he trusted her straight away. Britta used her Trauma-Erase-Colour-Technique, allowing Seb to identify the trauma in his body with colour, associate it to a memory then breathe out and cleanse that memory. He replaced it with a manifestation of his favourite superhero, a strong, positive male character who stood by his side in that memory moment. The simplicity of the process was extraordinary and the efficacy is unveiling itself on a daily basis. Britta was very warm and welcoming to Seb, she used easy to understand language and my son picked things up immediately, relaxing into the exercise and deeply connecting to the technique. He was extremely tired for about 48 hours afterwards, on the second day needed rest in bed as his body was ‘shedding’. Several days later he has remarkably not mentioned stomach or head pains, is sleeping through the night and describes himself as ‘lighter’. He is more playful and child-like then I have seen in years. During the session I could feel the change as restlessness in his physical body seemed to ease. I could literally feel his body letting go and his mind finding ‘peace’ – the word he used afterwards. His face at the end was calm and rested. I felt confident that Britta would be able to offer some healing for Seb, but the effect has been beautiful and joyous to watch. The pain associated to those worst memories have lost their power and the image he is left with is of his strength and resilience as that person who hurt him cannot hurt him anymore. I thank Britta from the bottom of my heart.


I have been struggling with anxiety and depression for over 30 years.I tried various pharmaceutical drugs and herbal supplements in an attempt to help reduce my anxiety. Nothing seemed to help me and my symptoms got worse and worse until someone recommended Britta to me. I received Sound healing and after the initial session, I felt different immediately. My senses are enhanced, my mind feels calm and I am happy. For me, an absolute game changer and a “must “ for everyone out there who suffers from depression or anxiety.

Simon Q 
Simon Q

I had been suffering from vertigo since 2003 when I was struck over the head with a baseball bat. Around October, a friend, who is a GP, gave me Britta’s telephone number with the comment that conventional medicine does not always have all the answers.” I was advised to go with an open mind. After two visits my vertigo had very much improved and after two further sessions, it disappeared.


I have suffered with bad hay fever for most of my life.Then Britta recommended a natural remedy pills and my hay fever symptoms have reduced to a fraction of what they were.What a relief!Thank you so much, Britta.


I have seen Britta for an ongoing hip and shoulder problem and some anxiety issues and I can honestly say that she has changed my life. Her knowledge of the body is incredible and her healing abilities are amazing. She is a lovely person who loves her profession and I would definitely recommend seeing her.


Get in touch with Vita Serena...

If you would like to know more about the services and products I offer, have any questions or would just like to drop me a message then please get in touch and I will respond as soon as possible.

You can call me on 07900211088

Alternatively, you can email me at