
Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. It is based on the healing power of nature and it supports and stimulates the body’s own ability to heal itself.

The pallet of Natural Therapies dates back to 400BC and includes Chinese traditional medicine techniques of Acupuncture, and Herbal Medicine, Prevention education, treatment of the whole person, identifying causes rather than symptoms and harnessing the healing power of nature are interlocking elements of this.

Naturopathy stimulates positive thinking. lowers stress, anxiety and depression. It improves overall health, enhances outlook, Boots optimism, improves one’s ability to cope with health-related issues.

As a diploma Naturopath with over 26 years of experience,I can help you activate your body’s natural defence system and boost vitality which in return helps with resolving stress, anxiety and all imbalances expressed on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Naturopathy is an individualised treatment that aims at transforming one’s overall wellbeing.Naturopathic treatments are perfect for:


Resolving physical and emotional dissonance


Resolving energy blocks


Resolving Depression


Calming the mind and body


Strengthen mind and body


Promoting healthy sleep


Promoting healthy mindset


Balancing hormones


Improvement of energy flow


Improvement of overall health and wellbeing

To understand if a Naturopathic treatment is right for you arrange a private consultation now

What is a Naturopath?

A Naturopath employs various therapies and diagnostic tools and is based on the following Naturopathic Principles. A practitioner who follows and practises these principles can be called a Naturopathic Therapist.

The Naturopathic Principles are:

  • The Healing Power of Nature. The body can heal itself, given the right condition and treatment. There is a “vital force” which is stimulated to promote health, for example using the healing power of eating the right foods.
  • Treat the Cause, not a symptom. Identify the underlying cause of illness rather than eliminating (suppressing) symptoms.
  • Treat the whole person. Recognise a Patient’s uniqueness by taking into account individual physical, mental, genetic, environmental, social and other factors.
  • Prevention is preferable to cure. Prevention is preferable to cure in order to keep the Vital Force at its optimum at all times.
  • Naturopaths educate their patients by bringing a better understanding of health, how to maintain it and how to avoid getting sick. Patients can learn how to take responsibility for themselves.

Some common Naturopathic Healing techniques include the following:

The advantage of Naturopathic diagnostics is that constitutional weaknesses can be identified and a link between a symptom and an underlying cause revealed.
The most common used Naturopathic diagnostic tools are:


A muscle testing and bio-resonance technique.

Kinesiology uses the gentle art of muscle monitoring to access information about a person’s well being.

It combines Western techniques and Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional mental and spiritual health. It identifies the elements that inhibit the body’s natural healing processes. It assists with stimulating a person’s natural internal energies and accessing the life enhancing potential with the individual.


Iridology, developed more than 100 years ago, is the diagnosis of medical conditions through noting irregularities of the pigmentation in the Iris.

Iridology, also known as Iridodiagnosis, is an alternative medicine technique that uses the colours, patterns, and various other properties of the iris to assess an individual’s general health. The technique of Iridology is based on the belief that each organ in the human body has a corresponding region in the iris.

Reflex zone therapy-Reflexology

Reflexology rests on the ancients Chinese belief in qi(pronounced “chee”) or vital energy. According to this belief, Qi flows through each person. When a person feels stressed, their body blocks Qi. This can cause an imbalance in the body that leads to illness. Reflexology aims to keep Qi flowing through the body, keeping it balanced and disease-free. In Chinese medicine, different body parts correspond with different pressure points on the body. Reflexology is a type of massage that involves applying different amounts of pressure to the feet, hands and ears, using maps of these points.
The touch sends energy flowing through a person’s body until it reaches the area in need of healing.

TCM-traditional Chinese Medicine

The origins of Traditional Chinese Medicine date back more than 4000 years.
A first written compilation of TCM was published as The Yellow Emperors Inner Classic (Huangdi Neijing). This publication served as one of the first dogmatic sources for the application of TCM.

The main principles of TCM have evolved over thousands of years and TCM practitioners also refer. To this vast and longstanding experience as a seal of trust. TCM’s fundament is based on its holistic view, the principle of harmony, individuality, and the prevention and treatment of disease. TCM uses unique diagnostic techniques, such as Acupuncture, Tongue diagnosis, Tai Chi, Qi-Gong as well as a plethora of plant and animal derivatives to restore health and prevent illness.

What conditions Can Be Treated using Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is considered a holistic and non-invasive way to treat many conditions. Naturopaths aim to identify the underlying cause/s of disease. Some of the most common conditions I treat using Naturopathy include the following:


Any chronic or acute conditions of pain


Muscle pain


Stress disorders


PTSD ( post traumatic stress disorder)


Back pain


Joint pain






IBS-Irritable Bowel syndrome




Disorder of the Endocrine system


Menopause symptoms/hormonal imbalances


Digestive disorders


Allergies/sensitivity to foods

What is the Benefit of a Naturopathic Treatment?

A Naturopathic Treatment shows improvement in the categories as shown:


Improved Immune system


Improved digestion


Improvement of gut health


Resolution of physical pain


Improved flexibility of joints


Improved mental strength


Calm and balanced nervous system


Better pain management


Lower cholesterol levels


Decreased stress and anxiety levels

A Few Words from our Clients

I had been suffering from vertigo since 2003 when I was struck over the head with a baseball bat. Around October, a friend, who is a GP, gave me Britta’s telephone number with the comment that conventional medicine does not always have all the answers.” I was advised to go with an open mind. After two visits my vertigo had very much improved and after two further sessions, it disappeared.


I have suffered with bad hay fever for most of my life.Then Britta recommended a natural remedy pills and my hay fever symptoms have reduced to a fraction of what they were.What a relief!Thank you so much, Britta.


I have seen Britta for an ongoing hip and shoulder problem and some anxiety issues and I can honestly say that she has changed my life. Her knowledge of the body is incredible and her healing abilities are amazing. She is a lovely person who loves her profession and I would definitely recommend seeing her.


Get in touch with Vita Serena...

If you would like to know more about the services and products I offer, have any questions or would just like to drop me a message then please get in touch and I will respond as soon as possible.

You can call me on 07900211088

Alternatively, you can email me at